Hello all First Chirp Choristers!
It was great to see and hear everybody last week!

This page will be updated regularly throughout our season together. Take a few minutes each week to review this First Chirp at Home page, watch the videos and listen to the samples provided. Parents, please help facilitate the activities on this page for your children. Many of the instructions are for you, as the First Chirp experience is designed to be shared between parent and child.

This week we introduce you to our rehearsal wheel, which is pictured on the left. Music is primarily an auditory art, and in this age of visual learning the importance of listening is often ignored. Step 1 on our rehearsal wheel reminds us to listen. Learning how to listen is integral not just for the enjoyment of music, but for successful learning in many of life’s contexts. Listening is a great activity that you can do at home, using this page and other resources, to enrich the First Chirp experience and your own musical journey.

Review below a video of “Walking in the Air”. You can enjoy watching the video, but we really want you to listen. On your second pass through, close your eyes and imagine yourself as a snowflake drifting down from the sky, as the song suggests.