Come Sing With Us! Saturday, March 1

Celtic Journey: An Immersive Choral Experience for students

A rare opportunity to perform live with Alex Sharpe of the international sensation Celtic Woman.

Registration is still Open for this event

Due to the difficulties with Canada Post, many teacher’s did not receive their packages until just recently. Provided you are able to make any 2 rehearsals as outlined below, you may continue to registration.

Join us this spring for “Celtic Journey” – an immersive choral experience for select students, with Alex Sharpe of the international sensation “Celtic Woman”, and The Upper Canada Chorus. Alex has toured all over the world with Celtic Woman, performing to millions both live and through several PBS specials. Join over 200 young musicians for this extraordinary concert event. Space is limited and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.  Your registration includes:

  • Celtic Journey commemorative performance shirt
  • Celtic Journey repertoire book
  • Access to rehearsal tracks and videos
  • Music Instruction at Rehearsals as outlined below
  • Master Class with Alex Sharpe
  • Culminating performance with Upper Canada Chorus, conductor Brian Rawlins, Alex Sharpe, and orchestra on Saturday March 1


Choose any 2 of the following rehearsals:

Sat Feb 15 | 1:30:300PM at Eglinton St. George’s United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd, Toronto

Thurs Feb 20 | 7:00-8:30PM at The Heintzman House, 135 Bay Thorn Drive, Thornhill

Sat Feb 22 | 1:30:300PM at Eglinton St. George’s United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd, Toronto

Thurs Feb 27 | 7:00-8:30PM at The Heintzman House, 135 Bay Thorn Drive, Thornhill

(Note the form will ask you to select either Saturday or Thursday, but you may attend any 2 rehearsals, and we will leave registration open until just prior to the Saturday Feb 22 rehearsal at Eglinton St. George’s)


Location: Eglinton St. George’s United Church, 135 Lytton Blvd, Toronto

Dress Rehearsal: Fri Feb 28 | 7:00-8:30PM
Master Class: Fri Feb 28 | 8:30-9:15PM

CONCERT CALL & SHOW – Saturday, March 1 – Eglinton St. George’s United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd, Toronto

Performers to arrive at 6:00PM on Saturday March 1. Please eat a good dinner prior to arrival. Snacks, water and fruit will be available.

Show Time: Saturday March 1 @ 7:30PM

Register before Saturday Feb 22, 2025

Registration is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis to students selected by their teachers.

There is a $57.50 plus HST registration fee, which covers your Celtic performance shirt, music book, resources, rehearsals & master class.

Registration Fee is payable by E-transfer to

Participants do not require tickets but please encourage family and friends to purchase their tickets to the show.

Final Performance Saturday March 1

Tickets for this event will go on sale Friday February 14, 2025

Watch Alex with Celtic Woman

Our Facilities for this event

Heintzman House

Celtic Journey - Participant Registration

  • We have found that eTransfer is the most efficient and safe form of payment. If you prefer to pay by credit card, please indicate this preference below and a member of our team will send you a secure form.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

*please note if you have a yahoo email address, confirmations do NOT automatically send from this form.  Please email to check registration.