Hello all UCC Choristers & Teacher Select Participants!

We are excited to be preparing for our Celtic Journey concert, which will be on Saturday, March 1. Please note in your schedules that we will have a Dress Rehearsal for this event on Friday, February 28, 7:00-8:30 at Eglinton St. George’s United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd, Toronto. Alex Sharpe of Celtic Woman will be joining us from Ireland for this show. She is truly amazing and it will be a wonderful opportunity to share the stage with her. Alex will do a short Master Class with you directly following the Dress Rehearsal, from 8:30-9:15 on February 28.

We will be posting piano accompaniment tracks on this page very soon, but for now use the videos below to familiarize yourself with our repertoire.

Alex Sharpe – “In My Heart”

Alex Sharpe – “Home Again”

Rehearsal Videos!

To help us prepare for the concert, we have posted below all of the music from our Celtic Woman repertoire. Enjoy the videos. Follow along with your scores and let’s get very familiar with the tunes and text. We only have 4 weeks left to prepare!


Sky, Dawn & Sun

Mo Ghile Mear

The Parting Glass

Green Grow the Rushes
